Course curriculum

    1. Chapter 1 | Financial Problems Are Common

    2. Chapter 2 | The Key to Financial Success

    3. Chapter 3 | Introducing The PACT Process

    4. Part 1: The P in PACT - Picturing Yourself

    5. Part 2: The A in PACT - Accepting Reality and Awakening Your Authenticity

    6. Part 3: The C in PACT - Choosing to Change

    7. Part 4: The T in PACT - Taking Action

    8. Chapter 4 | Ideas and Strategies

    9. Part 1: Rewarding Yourself

    10. Part 2: Attitude Towards Money

    11. Part 3: Emotions Around Money

    12. Part 4: Meditation

    13. Part 5: Innate Body Intelligence/Core Be

    14. Part 6: Positive Thinking

    15. Part 7: Feminine and Masculine Energies

    16. Chapter 5 | Reflecting on Lesson 1

    17. Lesson 1 - Activities

    18. Your Guide to Meditation

    19. Awaken Your Wealth Workbook

    1. Lesson 2 - P: Picturing Yourself Introduction

    2. Chapter 1 | Part 1: Picturing Your Ideal Life

    3. Part 2: Picturing and Feeling Your Ideal

    4. Chapter 2 | Part 1: Visualization

    5. Part 2: Integrating

    6. Part 3: Vision Living

    7. Chapter 3 | Part 1: Your Subconscious Mind

    8. Part 2: Controlling Your Destiny

    9. Chapter 4 | Part 1: Brainstorming Your Future

    10. Part 2: Brainstorming

    11. Part 3: Brainstorming

    12. Part 4: Reflecting on your Answers

    13. Lesson 2 - P: Picturing Yourself Conclusion

    1. Lesson 3 - A: Accepting Your Reality Introduction

    2. Chapter 2 | Part 1: Accepting Your Reality

    3. Part 2: Accepting Your Economic Choice

    4. Chapter 3 | Part 1: Your Financial Picture

    5. Part 2: Creating an Authentic Life

    6. Part 3: Journal Exercise

    7. Lesson 3 - A: Accepting Your Reality Conclusion

    1. Lesson 4 - C: Choosing to Change Introduction

    2. Chapter 1 | Understanding the Trigger - Part 1: Your Intentions

    3. Part 2: A World of Infinite Opportunities

    4. Part 3: Explore your Behavioral Patterns

    5. Chapter 2 | Life is About Choices

    6. Part 1: “Enough” Money

    7. Part 2: Wants vs. Needs

    8. Part 3: Naming Savings Accounts

    9. Part 4: Use Cash

    10. Part 5: Shift Negative Emotions

    11. Part 6: Dissipating Fears

    12. Chapter 3 | Part 1: Additional Strategies

    13. Part 2: Talk Nice!

    14. Part 3: Your Career Path

    15. Part 4: Limiting Beliefs

    16. Part 5: Turning Passion into Reality

    17. Part 6: Gratitude

    18. Part 7: Do Right by Yourself

    19. Lesson 4 - C: Choosing to Change Conclusion

    1. Lesson 5 - T: Taking Action Introduction

    2. Chapter 1 | Journal Exercise

    3. Part 1: Finances and My Debt

    4. Part 2: Children and Family

    5. Part 3: Spending and Expenses

    6. Part 4: Wealth and Retirement

    7. Part 5: Paperwork and Products

    8. Part 6: Reflecting on your Answers

    9. Chapter 2 | Part 1: Structuring you NEW Financial

    10. Part 2: Journal Exercise Paying Off Debt

    11. Part 3: Fund Your Intentions

    12. Part 4: Reward Yourself

    13. Chapter 3 | Part 1: Additional Strategies

    14. Part 2: Bucket System

    15. Part 3: Understanding Emotional Spending

    16. Part 4: Boost Your Cash Flow

    17. Part 5: Making your Dream List Work

    18. Part 6: Make a Date

    19. Lesson 5 - T: Taking Action Conclusion

About this course

  • $497.00
  • 77 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content