Launch Your Life Winter 2023/2024
Discover the answers that will transform Your financial reality and leave Your money problems in the past
Ready to transform your relationship with Money and live a life of Real Wealth?
You’re in the Right place! I will help you get Wealthy
in Every Area of Your Life.
Do you believe that something better or different was destined for you? A greater sense of accomplishment?
Are you dissatisfied with a certain area of your life, such as your job, your relationships, or your finances?
Do you have a strong sense of unrealized purpose and potential that you're struggling to put to life?
Everything is quantum, but since we're so conditioned to think logically and strategically, we often neglect to connect with our hearts along the way.
When we tap into our hearts and learn to live in our full authenticity, the possibilities are truly endless. This is where the magic and quantum leaps occur.
This is where we can finally break the debt cycles, create financial freedom, heal past trauma, do work that we love and get paid abundantly, enjoy incredible relationships, and thrive in our health.
This is where we can create Real Wealth - a profound sense of freedom in all areas of life.
You might be thinking, 'Yes, that all sounds fantastic, but how can I do that?!'
with Julie Murphy
The way I coach is through empowering people to create results that allow them to be themselves.
To make changes in their lives that emerge from their hearts rather than what they have been told to do by their parents, society, or others.
To make sound financial decisions while feeling abundant, joyful, and at peace.
My tools and techniques work - regardless of your income, bank account, or background.
here's what my students are saying:
If so, you're in the right place.
Registration Ends on August 22nd , 2023
Tuesday, August 22nd, 2023, 11 am to 12:30 pm CST through Tuesday, November 7th, 2023
Yes, Launch Your Life with Julie will meet every Tuesday for 12 weeks at 11 am CST
If you can't make it LIVE, no worries you will receive the replays within a few hours of the live session to watch on your own time!
I believe so much in the process of Launch Your Life, that I offer a 30 day money-back guarantee, no questions asked!
Register for a chance to win 3 Months of Launch My Life with Julie! ($450.00 Value)